Aria Rose Lehman
February 13, 2014
8 lbs. 15 oz.
What is it about this child that I adore so much? She is my first niece, the first grandchild in the Rob Lehman family. Precious chubby cheeks, a delicate little nose, perfect little hands and feet. She is my darling baby girl.

The other day as I held her in the quiet apartment, I realized my love for her is so much more than that. She is perfect. In God's eyes she is beautifully innocent. Right now a kiss from Mom, a cuddle from Dad, and everything is alright in the world. Though she was born into a broken and fallen world, she is blissfully removed from the nastiness of it. She is loved, held tight, kissed and cuddled.

Each time I hold her I just wish I could hold her forever, that she would never know heartache. I wish she would never find out how painful and cruel the world can be.
However, this cannot be. She will grow up, much too quickly for our liking. She will experience heartache, fear, pain, yet as I hold her I also think of the glorious experiences she can have. Surrounded by a loving family, she can bloom and grow in love. She will hear of God from birth. Salvation and the love of Christ will become a factor in her life. She will get the chance to experience true sacrificial love, the magnitude of which is far beyond my capacity, or anyone in her adoring family, to give her.
She has so much to look forward to. A whole life of possibilities is beginning to form even now. This is the joy of a newborn. When I hold her I know I am holding God's greatest masterpiece; His child. I am inspired by her innocence.

I used to be like that. Now I am not. It is sobering to think of innocence lost, blackened and spoiled. We all started out as a precious miracle of life, yet our existence is quickly mired in the world. It is only through Christ that we can experience true joy, peace, and love in life. Only Christ can help us regain our first innocence. He will wash us white as snow. He will surround us with His love, He will rejoice over us, just as He rejoices over this innocent gift.
And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.
Matthew 18:3
This precious bundle of soft baby skin, wide eyes and cuddles is my greatest inspiration. Unless I aspire to be as innocent as she is, I will not taste of Heaven. Someday I hope that I can be a good example for Aria. However, I am content now to hold her in my arms and realize what a wonderful example of trust and innocence she is to me.

My beautiful little niece will always have an aunt and an entire adoring, loving family to protect her. Most importantly, she will always have a Savior to walk with her through life, helping to guard this beautiful innocence.
Welcome to the world baby girl.
February 13, 2014
8 lbs. 15 oz.
What is it about this child that I adore so much? She is my first niece, the first grandchild in the Rob Lehman family. Precious chubby cheeks, a delicate little nose, perfect little hands and feet. She is my darling baby girl.
Each time I hold her I just wish I could hold her forever, that she would never know heartache. I wish she would never find out how painful and cruel the world can be.
However, this cannot be. She will grow up, much too quickly for our liking. She will experience heartache, fear, pain, yet as I hold her I also think of the glorious experiences she can have. Surrounded by a loving family, she can bloom and grow in love. She will hear of God from birth. Salvation and the love of Christ will become a factor in her life. She will get the chance to experience true sacrificial love, the magnitude of which is far beyond my capacity, or anyone in her adoring family, to give her.
She has so much to look forward to. A whole life of possibilities is beginning to form even now. This is the joy of a newborn. When I hold her I know I am holding God's greatest masterpiece; His child. I am inspired by her innocence.
I used to be like that. Now I am not. It is sobering to think of innocence lost, blackened and spoiled. We all started out as a precious miracle of life, yet our existence is quickly mired in the world. It is only through Christ that we can experience true joy, peace, and love in life. Only Christ can help us regain our first innocence. He will wash us white as snow. He will surround us with His love, He will rejoice over us, just as He rejoices over this innocent gift.
And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.
Matthew 18:3
This precious bundle of soft baby skin, wide eyes and cuddles is my greatest inspiration. Unless I aspire to be as innocent as she is, I will not taste of Heaven. Someday I hope that I can be a good example for Aria. However, I am content now to hold her in my arms and realize what a wonderful example of trust and innocence she is to me.
My beautiful little niece will always have an aunt and an entire adoring, loving family to protect her. Most importantly, she will always have a Savior to walk with her through life, helping to guard this beautiful innocence.
Welcome to the world baby girl.