What better way to spend Mother's Day than with all the mothers (at least the one's close by!) that have touched my life and made me who I am? Each of them has been such a wonderful example to me of how a Godly woman should be. Even though they all have different personalities, they have shown me how to live and love in God.
The mothers present: Aunt Mary Beth (Aunt Bess), Oma, Grandma, and Mom
To celebrate these beautiful women, my cousins and I made dinner for them and out families. For dinner we had an Italian theme. I tried out a new recipe, Eggplant Spaghetti, and Jojo (check out her blog dancetothemusicbyjo.blogspot.com) and Kim made regular spaghetti for those who don't like eggplant.
I saw the recipe while in the waiting room at the dentist's office on the Food Network. It looked good so I looked up the recipe when I got home. I wasn't a huge fan of it, but Mom and Grandma said they loved it. Bread with oil, salad, and applesauce completed our Italian experience.
Our little kitchen was full with all the daughters helping out! We had an additional helper as well...Betsy! She is my cousin from California and is visiting us for a few days. We sure appreciated her help in the kitchen! I think after preparing this good meal for a large group all of us felt even more thankful for the work that our Mothers do for us.
Everyone seemed to enjoy the food and company!
The dish washers :)

We had a fun little surprise when one of the kids noticed the Good Year blimp floating past...it sure isn't a usual sight around here!
Jo and Oma playing cards... For the rest of the evening we played games, relaxed, talked and had an all around good time.
Grandma, Mom, Betsy and I all played Uno with Isaac. Uno is his favorite game. He loves to make people draw four. He also enjoyed telling Betsy who to skip!
After everyone left, Mom sat down with her book. Gram, Betsy and Dad all opened up Words with Friends on their various electronic devices and they have been playing it since then. Judging by the disgusted exclamations coming from the living room, Betsy is beating them both!
That completes this wonderful day! Today I just couldn't help thinking of how blessed I am to have a mother who is so founded in her faith. Sadly, this is not how the majority of families are. It is also a good reminder to pray for those families without a mother, for whatever reason that is. All I know is, I appreciate my mother and all she does for me and my family.
Thank You Lord for my beautiful Mom.
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