
Monday, September 9, 2013

The Problem of Perfection

What is Perfection?

Perfection: somebody or something that has reached the highest attainable standard.

That is the definition I found when I typed define: perfection into Bing. But REALLY, what is perfection? As a Christian I believe that it is something that we should be striving for every moment of our life. God is perfect. Jesus set the perfect example for us when he came in human flesh to this dirty and sinful world.

Sadly, this is not the what the world is striving for. In the world, perfection takes on a menacing face, haunting our hopes and dreams, destroying confidence. Perfection has come to mean the Pinterest-perfect home, the new and perfect car, the perfect body, the perfect job...really it is enough to drive me insane! Peer pressure points each of us to find that "perfect" whatever.

Here is a startling revelation: We don't have to be perfect.
Now, please realize I am talking about in the world, not spiritually. God does not call the Christian to wear the right clothes, have the newest technology, or be like everyone else. Yet that is what we work toward, isn't it?! Yet God calls us to separate ourselves from the world.
Romans 12:2 - And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what [is] that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
In fact, this verse in Romans says separate yourself from the world IN ORDER TO find the perfect will of God!! Perfection is not the world!
Perfection is NOT Paula Deen cooking. Wouldn't God rather us serve others with whatever we have instead of never inviting people because we can't serve them gourmet or gorgeously presented food?
Perfection is not the size 2 body, or the size 8, or the size 16...or the size anything!! It is not the perfect short, revealing dress meant to garner attention. No, true perfection would never dare stoop so low. Wouldn't God prefer us to know we were created in His image and are therefore a beautiful creation NO MATTER OUR SIZE?! Wouldn't He rather us show our beauty through our hearts and attitudes than through revealing clothing?!
Perfection is not the car that screams wealth, that purrs like some sort of jungle cat, or that turns heads wherever you go. God wants us to live modest lives...and this my friends is not modest! It is something the world tells us we need.
Perfection is not having the most beautiful "stuff." It is not having the most talent or making the most beautiful music. When we come to judgment day, what will having the most beautiful stuff do for us? Nothing. God does not care if we cannot play the piano, sing, dance, write, etc. as well as the next person. Wouldn't God rather us using the talent He has given us to the best of our ability not to the best of their ability?!
God loves you. He does not want us to be perfect in the world's standards. He wants us to live to His glory and honor, holding the banner of Christ high. To do that we can be a terrible cook, we can be a size 4 or a size 14, we can own a hunk of junk car, and we can fail at carrying a tune. All God wants is for us to love Him with all our hearts, to listen with our spiritual ears to His direction, and to serve His people with love using whatever talent we have been granted.
So what is the problem of the world's standard of perfection? It isn't perfect. It makes us think that if our lives don't look like a fairy tale we are doing something wrong. Using that standard, any of us could get caught up in the pursuit of wealth and fame, the pursuit of stuff
So please. Don't be perfect. Don't strive to fit in with the world's standards. That is the last thing this world needs.   
Our world needs the love of Christ. So run, seek, and find that path to spiritual perfection that Christ has laid before us. Though I know I will never reach the level of perfection that Jesus exhibited, it is the journey to get there that counts. And I know He will walk beside me all the way if I earnestly and unwaveringly follow that path.

1 comment:

  1. I just became aware that I had violated some copyright rules, so I have deleted the pictures in this post. Hope it is still interesting to you!
    God Bless!
